Primary Schools' Sport
What we do . . .
A large amount of the Sports Partnership work focuses on building links and working closely with our local primary schools within the Maltby Learning Community. The Partnership is committed to working alongside our Primary Partners, and the schools sport programme has been designed and implemented in order to develop a high quality physical education and sport provision for all children and young people.
We also provide opportunities for the young people to engage in our extra-curricular clubs. The out of school clubs are designed to develop new and existing skills which are transferable to their recreational activities. The main focus of the after school clubs is for children to enjoy exercise fun based activities, participate and have a better knowledge in a range of team sports in addition to their existing timetable.
This is also supplemented with the opportunity to participate in sport competitively against other primary schools in the Maltby cluster and the Rother Valley school sport partnership. Successful schools within this structure have the opportunity to progress and compete at a regional and national level in conjunction with the Sainsbury’s schools games.
Furthermore the Sports Partnership work with our primary teachers in order to up skill and develop their knowledge and understanding of physical education, and provide guidance of how to deliver a high quality PE lesson. We use our coaching expertise and experience to provide information to the teachers with regards to the organisation, management, leadership, and content of the session.